LERG Group at the 33rd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The 33rd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) played on Sunday, 26 January 2025. The main motif of this year’s fund-raiser was “children’s safety and health”, with donations to be transferred for child oncology and haematology.

Year by year, WOŚP’s initiatives gain momentum, crossing new boundaries and barriers. This year’s edition was coordinated by 1,686 Collection Centres in 93 countries, playing together to support the fund-raiser. The Grand Finale was held on the PGE National Stadium grounds and featured numerous attractions, including an extensive play area for children, a bloodmobile for blood donations, a WOŚP outpatient clinic, a mini-cafe, training lounge as part of the educational program “We Save and Teach to Save”, among many others. One of the WOŚP-branded initiatives that has won broad awareness is the “Get even with Diabetes” run, which for years has combined a passion for running with a charitable purpose. The run took place virtually and on-site in Warsaw, and participants received commemorative T-shirts and medals. Original ideas on this day were in no shortage at foreign teams – the Liverpool Collection Centre volunteers once again set off on the traditional WOŚP walk “Take the Box to the Highest Peak”. Together they climbed Whernside (736m a.s.l.) in the Yorkshire Dales. The Peace Patrol, composed as always of specially trained volunteers, ensured security throughout the entire event across the country.

The 33rd Grand Finale was special for us as we joined it for the first time as the LERG Group.
Agnieszka Kozubek-Bespalenko, CEO, personally represented all member companies during the auction of items donated specifically for this occasion to WOŚP Dębica – Kwiatek Collection Centre. The LERG Group bade at the auction for a huge cake baked and donated by Dębica-based Cukiernia Wiktor. After fierce bidding, we ultimately won to close the auction with PLN 5,000.

Why child oncology and haematology?

Cancer is the second most common cause of death among children in Poland, after accidents. About 1,100 children are diagnosed with cancer each year and 3,000 remain under intensive treatment. With the development of oncological medicine, the survival rates have increased to over 80%, which puts Poland on a par with Western European countries or the United States.

Still, the treatment of childhood cancers requires enormous expenditure on equipment and diagnostics, and the funds collected and transferred by WOŚP will make it possible for healthcare institutions that need it the most to get extra equipment.

The 33rd WOŚP Grand Finale played for 18 children’s wards, 17 hospices, 5 oncological neurosurgery centres, 6 oncological surgery centres and 4 pathomorphology departments.

The funds raised during the 33rd Grand Finale are intended for the purchase of equipment for:
– Oncological surgery, including laparoscopic sets, oncological surgery robots, cystoscopes, ultrasonic aspirators and mobile digital X-ray devices
– Neurosurgery, including neurosurgical exoscopes, bipolar coagulation equipment
– Oncological diagnostics, including magnetic brain mapping devices, MRI units, ultrasound devices
– Pathomorphology, including intraoperative tomography scanners, tissue processors, histopathological specimen scanners
– Hospices, including oxygen concentrators, anti-decubitus mattresses

The declared amount collected in the 33rd WOŚP Grand Finale as of today is PLN 178,531,625!

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